Products made 100% in Quebec

Conception of personalized product lines , decorative elements and various tailor-made projects.
Whether it's products for your shop or just a decorative name for a new family member, it's now possible to bring your ideas to life with computer numerical control cutting technology. (CNC)


Tell us your idea and we accompany you from the creation process until the materialization of the finished product.

What's on your mind?

No minimum quantity required to produce

A very simple story, by a very simple guy!


          This adventure of creation and materialization has become a passion for me! Almost an obsession even! haha!! :) Creating art pieces of all kinds as well as custom product lines for boutiques pleases me since it allows me to combine several skills acquired over the years. I'm a very manual person and I like to exploit an artistic side intertwined with cutting-edge technology. I am fascinated by the possibility of being able to create personalized items myself and shape them with an industrial cutting device that I have complete control over.

          In the past, I had the opportunity to take care of major accounts into the sales of imported Asian products. It was always a question of having the lowest possible prices with the best possible quality and this in the shortest period of time... Imponderables in imports are very often unpredictable and very numerous. So much for price variations, transportation delays, often precarious communications with suppliers from overseas, the risk of quality constraints, endless design stage follow-ups and so on. All these exasperating factors led me to question myself on the reasons why it was not possible, most of the time, to source products manufactured in Canada in the field where I was. The time had come for me to execute a dream, the one of working for myself and designing entirely Quebec products over which I would have control of all the parameters.

          Now, during product design, the technical drawing service is free to meet the wildest expectations, which will allow you to put on your shelves a product that you can be proud to brag about the origin and even to be the only outlet to have it.

          A Monstera leaf-shaped maple wall decor? Plexiglass snowflakes set to put in the Christmas tree? Wall badges with the inscription you want on it? An oak presentation board for tastings of different beers you would like to promote? Create plant supports with a geometric structure? A fresco of geometric panels assembled on a wall? A work of art modeled in 3D and sculpted in an exotic wood species?

What do you think about?

          It always makes me proud to learn more about each of my clients in order to have the essence of what they aspire to in their projet. In my opinion, this is a crucial step in order to create a bond of trust. The idea behind the name Taillart, even though it is from french composition, is well described in the slogan "Chilesing (Taill) art (art) from your mind to reality!". It is "your idea" that we will materialize together!


Lets make this happen!