Good morning,
I am Annick, a financial security advisor representative.

My story:
I became an advisor in 2014.
The reason I became an advisor, is the death of my husband in 2011 forced me to make financial decisions. I couldn't find a logical answer to my financial questions. One day, I came across an extraordinary advisor who gave me tips on finances, solutions that I had never heard of, simple things that I should have known. I realized that I was in the dark and that I needed to learn more about the subject. I discovered that I too could do financial education. I passed my licenses and have been passionate about it ever since.

My vision
Lack of financial education sets us back in our journey to financial freedom and I am committed to giving back the tips I learned and more by becoming a financial advisor.
My goal is to help you achieve your dreams by explaining to you how money works no matter where you are in life. I will work with you step by step and help you make the right decisions. I am self-employed, I work in a firm with a team where we share our skills to offer the best possible service to our customers.
My target customers:
For individuals and families

My target clientele is the middle class, I have tools to do a personalized analysis of the current financial situation of a person or a couple. From this Analysis, solutions are proposed for debt reduction, retirement savings, savings for the realization of projects and also strategies are proposed for saving Tax.

I offer life insurance / disability insurance / travel insurance products

The Analysis is free of charge.


For entrepreneurs

I offer the possibility of having a health and dental plan for self-employed workers. Also contractor overhead/loss of income injury insurance. Travel insurance.

I offer the possibility of offering your employees a group RRSP.

I suggest you zoom in to find out a little more. contact me!
Financial freedom is being able to get up in the morning and decide what we really want to do with our time, no longer being dependent on a 'paycheck' to be able to live the life we ??want. .

The middle class is increasingly affected, there are realistic solutions that exist.

I have readings to offer, webinars, meetings, everything is possible to become better at our finances. It's also possible to become an advisor like me to know how to manage and understand your own finances.

Looking forward to meeting each other.